2017-11-15 15:59:37 +02:00

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Raw Blame History


Wild Duck Mail Server is a scalable IMAP / POP3 server that natively exposes internal data through an HTTP API.

This API is not meant to be used by end users but your application.

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

API Usage Info


This API should be used by your application and not by the end users directly, so normally it should probably be hidden behind a firewall.

To add another layer of protection the API can be set to require an access token. The token value can be set in configuration file "api.accessToken". If the value is set, then all requests against the API must include a query argument accessToken with the same value as in the configuration file.

curl "http://localhost:8080/users?query=testuser01&accessToken=secrettoken"


All successful responses look like the following:

  "success": true,
  other response specific fields

All failed responses look like the following:

  "error": "Some error message"


For paging lists longer than allowed limit, Wild Duck API returns URLs for next and previous pages. When paging do not change these URLs yourself. If query arguments are changed then the results might be unreliable.

  "success": true,
  "total": 200,
  "page": 2,
  "results": ["a list of results"],
  "previousCursor": "abcdef12344",
  "nextCursor": "abcdef12377"


User accounts

Search and list users

GET /users

Returns data about existing users


  • query is an optional string to filter username (partial match), by default all users are listed
  • limit is an optional number to limit listing length, defaults to 20


curl "http://localhost:8080/users?query=testuser01"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "query": "testuser01",
  "total": 1,
  "page": 1,
  "previousCursor": false,
  "nextCursor": false,
  "results": [
      "id": "5970860fcdb513ce633407a1",
      "username": "testuser01",
      "address": "testuser01@example.com",
      "quota": {
        "allowed": 1073741824,
        "used": 0
      "disabled": false

Get one user

GET /users/{user}

Returns data about a specific user


  • user is the ID of the user


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/5970860fcdb513ce633407a1"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "id": "5970860fcdb513ce633407a1",
  "username": "testuser01",
  "address": "testuser01@example.com",
  "retention": false,
  "limits": {
    "quota": {
      "allowed": 1073741824,
      "used": 0
    "recipients": {
      "allowed": 2000,
      "used": 0,
      "ttl": false
    "forwards": {
      "allowed": 2000,
      "used": 0,
      "ttl": false
  "activated": true,
  "disabled": false

Recipient/forward limits assume that messages are sent using ZoneMTA with zonemta-wildduck plugin, otherwise the counters are not updated.

Add a new user

POST /users

Creates a new user, returns the ID upon success.


  • username (required) is the username of the user. This is not an email address but authentication username, use only letters and numbers
  • password (required) is the password for the user
  • address is the main email address for the user. If address is not set then a new one is generated based on the username and current domain name
  • emptyAddress if true, then do not set up an address for the user
  • name is the name for the user
  • forward is an email address to where all messages are forwarded to
  • targetUrl is an URL to where all messages are uploaded to
  • quota is the maximum storage in bytes allowed for this user. If not set then the default value is used
  • retention is the default retention time in ms for mailboxes. Messages in Trash and Junk folders have a capped retention time of 30 days.
  • language is the language code for the user, eg. "en" or "et". Mailbox names for the default mailboxes (eg. "Trash") depend on the language
  • recipients is the maximum number of recipients allowed to send mail to in a 24h window. Requires ZoneMTA with the Wild Duck plugin
  • forwards is the maximum number of forwarded emails in a 24h window. Requires ZoneMTA with the Wild Duck plugin
  • ip is the IP address the request was made from


curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/users" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "username": "testuser",
  "password": "secretpass",
  "address": "testuser@example.com",
  "ip": ""

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "id": "59708695cdb513ce63340801"

After you have created an user you can use these credentials to log in to the IMAP server.

Update user details

PUT /users/{user}

Updates the properties of an user. Only specify these fields that you want to be updated.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • name is the updated name for the user
  • password is the updated password for the user (do not set if you do not want to change user password)
  • forward is an email address to where all messages are forwarded to
  • targetUrl is an URL to where all messages are uploaded to
  • quota is the maximum storage in bytes allowed for this user
  • retention is the default retention time in ms for mailboxes. Messages in Trash and Junk folders have a capped retention time of 30 days.
  • language is the language code for the user, eg. "en" or "et". Mailbox names for the default mailboxes (eg. "Trash") depend on the language
  • recipients is the maximum number of recipients allowed to send mail to in a 24h window. Requires ZoneMTA with the Wild Duck plugin
  • forwards is the maximum number of forwarded emails in a 24h window. Requires ZoneMTA with the Wild Duck plugin

If you want the user to verify existing password before changing anything you can add the following POST field:

  • existingPassword is the current password provided by the user for extra verification


Set user quota to 1 kilobyte:

curl -XPUT "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "quota": 1024

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Log out user from all IMAP sessions

PUT /users/{user}/logout

Forces closing all active IMAP session of an user


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • reason is an optional message to be sent to the user with logout notification


curl -XPUT "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/logout" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "reason": "Account was deleted"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Reset user password

POST /users/{user}/password/reset

Generates a new temporary password and resets 2FA if set. Once user password is reset, then authentication results will include requirePasswordChange: true parameter. This means that the user should not be able to perform regular actions before the password has been changed.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user


curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/password/reset" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{}'

Response for a successful operation:

  "password": "somesecretvalue"


Authenticate an user

POST /authenticate

Authenticates an user


  • username (required) is the username or one of the email addresses of the user
  • password (required) is the password for the user. Can be either master password or an application specific password
  • scope is the scope to request for (defaults to "master"). Application specific password can not be used with "master" scope. Allowed scopes are "master", "imap", "pop3", "smtp"
  • protocol is the application type this authentication is made from, eg "IMAP" or "API"
  • ip is the IP address the request was made from

Response fields

  • success should be true
  • id is the id of the authenticated user
  • username is the user name of the logged in user (useful if you logged in used)
  • scope is the scope this authentication is valid for
  • require2fa is an array of enabled 2FA mechanisms for this user
  • requirePasswordChange if true then the user should be forced to change their password


curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/authenticate" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "username": "testuser",
  "password": "amurboxphxvnyqre",
  "scope": "pop3",
  "ip": ""

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "id": "5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec",
  "username": "testuser",
  "scope": "pop3",
  "require2fa": false,
  "requirePasswordChange": false

List the authentication log

GET /users/{user}/authlog

Returns data about authentication related events. This includes also password changes, application specific password changes etc.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • limit is an optional number to limit listing length, defaults to 20
  • action is an optional filter to list only specific actions, for example "create asp" to list only entries for creating new application specific passwords


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec/authlog"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "total": 1,
  "page": 1,
  "previousCursor": false,
  "nextCursor": "sadasdsdfdfdfg",
  "results": [
      "id": "59762d2f9c035be17bbb1fdf",
      "action": "create asp",
      "asp": "59762d2f9c035be17bbb1fde",
      "result": "success",
      "ip": "",
      "created": "2017-07-24T17:23:59.041Z"

Log entries expire after 30 days.


Wild Duck supports TOTP and U2f based 2FA. If 2FA is enabled then users are requested to enter authentication token after successful login. Also, with 2FA enabled, master password can not be used in IMAP, POP3 or SMTP. The user must create an Application Specific Password with a correct scope for email clients using these protocols.

2FA checks do not happen magically, your application must be 2FA aware:

  1. Authenticate user with the /authenticate call
  2. If authentication result includes requirePasswordChange:true then force user to change their password
  3. If authentication result includes require2fa:false then do nothing, the user is now authenticated. Otherwise continue with Step 4. or Step 5.
  4. If require2fa array includes 'totp' then:
  5. Request TOTP token from the user before allowing to perform other actions
  6. Check the token with /user/{user}/2fa/totp/check
  7. If token verification succeeds then user is authenticated
  8. If require2fa array includes 'u2f' then:
  9. Authentication response should include u2fAuthRequest object. If it is missing or verification times out then you can fetch a new U2F request object from the server with /user/{user}/2fa/u2f/start
  10. Send authentication request to U2F key
  11. Send authentication response from key to server with /user/{user}/2fa/totp/check
  12. If token verification succeeds then user is authenticated

Setup 2FA

POST /users/{user}/2fa/totp/setup

This call prepares the user to support 2FA tokens. If 2FA is already enabled then this call fails.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • issuer is the name to be shown in the Authenticator App
  • fresh is a boolean. If true then generates a new seed even if an old one already exists
  • ip is the IP address the request was made from

Response fields

  • success should be true
  • qrcode is the data url for the 2FA QR-code. The user must scan the code and return the token with a PUT call


curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/users/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec/2fa/totp/setup" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "issuer": "testikas",
  "ip": ""

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "qrcode": "..."

Verify 2FA

POST /users/{user}/2fa/totp/enable

Once 2FA QR code is generated the user must return the token with this call. Once the token is successfully provided then 2FA is enabled for the account.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • token is the 2FA token generated from the QR code
  • ip is the IP address the request was made from

Response fields

  • success should be true


curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/users/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec/2fa/totp/enable" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "token": "455912",
  "ip": ""

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Check 2FA

POST /users/{user}/2fa/totp/check

Validates a TOTP token against user 2FA settings. This check should be performed when an user authentication response includes request2fa:['totp']


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • token (required) is the token to check
  • ip is the IP address the request was made from

Response fields

  • success should be true


curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/users/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec/2fa/totp/check" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "token": "455912",
  "ip": ""

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Disable TOTP

DELETE /users/{user}/2fa/totp

Disabling TOTP for authentication. Other 2FA schemes remain in place.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • ip is the IP address the request was made from

Response fields

  • success should be true


curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:8080/users/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec/2fa/totp?ip="

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Disable 2FA

DELETE /users/{user}/2fa

Disables all 2FA schemes. Disabling 2FA re-enables master password usage for IMAP, POP3 and SMTP.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • ip is the IP address the request was made from

Response fields

  • success should be true


curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:8080/users/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec/2fa?ip="

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Application Specific Passwords

Application Specific Passwords can be used to allow specific applications to access only specific parts of the user account. For example one password can be used to access IMAP, one for SMTP etc.

List existing passwords

GET /user/{user}/asps

Lists all application specific passwords for an user.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/asps"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "results": [
      "id": "5975d1ac97130ca55afa0c7f",
      "description": "OSX Mail App",
      "scopes": [
      "created": "2017-07-24T10:53:32.136Z"
      "id": "5975f5e5453019c6ebfed3b4",
      "description": "Nodemailer",
      "scopes": [
      "created": "2017-07-24T13:28:05.770Z"

Add a new Application Specific Password

POST /users/{user}/asps

Creates a new Application Specific Password for an existing user, returns the ID upon success.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • description (required) is the name or description for the new Application Specific Password
  • scopes is an array (or a comma separated string) of scopes this password is valid for. Valid scopes are "imap", "pop3", "smtp". Special scope "*" (also the default) is valid for all ASP supported scopes (this does not include "master")
  • generateMobileconfig is a boolean. If true, then the result includes a base64 formatted profile file to autoconfigure OSX and iOS mail clients
  • ip is the IP address the request was made from


curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/users/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec/asps" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "description": "Mac OSX Mail Client",
  "scopes": ["*"],
  "ip": ""

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "id": "59762d2f9c035be17bbb1fde",
  "password": "mjxlzydlusadfynn"

Or with the profile file:

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/users/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec/asps" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
    "description": "Mac OSX Mail Client",
    "scopes": ["imap", "smtp"],
    "generateMobileconfig": true
    "ip": ""

and the result with the profile file:

  "success": true,
  "id": "59773be3a7bc855155286d91",
  "password": "slrfwaavyzmatgxf",
  "mobileconfig": "MIIO8gYJKoZIhvcNAQcCo..."

Resulting password should be shown to the client. This password is shown only once so if the user forgets it then the APS should be deleted and replaced with a new one. Application Specific Password can include spaces, so using "slrf waav yzma tgxf" is the same as "slrfwaavyzmatgxf".

Profile file should be sent to the client with Content-Type value of application/x-apple-aspen-config.

res.set('Content-Description', 'Mail App Configuration Profile');
res.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-apple-aspen-config');
res.set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="profile.mobileconfig"');
res.send(Buffer.from(asp.mobileconfig, 'base64'));

Delete an Application Specific Password

DELETE /users/{user}/asps/{asp}

Deletes an Application Specific Password


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • asp (required) is the ID of the Application Specific Password
  • ip is the IP address the request was made from


curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/asps/59762d2f9c035be17bbb1fde?ip="

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true


Manage email addresses

Search and list addresses

GET /addresses

Returns data about existing addresses. Use this endpoint if you want to find an address but do not know to which user it belongs to.


  • query is an optional string to filter addresses (partial match), by default all addresses are listed
  • limit is an optional number to limit listing length, defaults to 20


curl "http://localhost:8080/addresses?query=testuser01"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "query": "testuser01",
  "total": 1,
  "page": 1,
  "previousCursor": false,
  "nextCursor": false,
  "results": [
      "id": "5970860fcdb513ce633407a8",
      "address": "testuser01@example.com",
      "user": "5970860fcdb513ce633407a1"

List user addresses

GET /users/{user}/addresses

Lists all registered email addresses for an user.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/addresses"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "results": [
      "id": "596c9c37ef2213165daadc6b",
      "address": "testuser@example.com",
      "main": true,
      "created": "2017-07-17T11:15:03.841Z"
      "id": "596c9dd31b201716e764efc2",
      "address": "user@example.com",
      "main": false,
      "created": "2017-07-17T11:21:55.960Z"

Get one address

GET /users/{user}/addresses/{address}

Returns data about a specific address.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • address (required) is the ID of the address


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/addresses/596c9c37ef2213165daadc6b"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "id": "596c9c37ef2213165daadc6b",
  "address": "testuser@example.com",
  "main": true,
  "created": "2017-07-17T11:15:03.841Z"

Add a new address

POST /users/{user}/addresses

Creates a new email address alias for an existing user, returns the ID upon success.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • address (required) is the email address to use as an alias for this user. You can also use internationalized email addresses like андрис@уайлддак.орг.
  • main indicates that this is the default address for that user (defaults to false)


curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/addresses" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "address": "user@example.com"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "id": "596c9dd31b201716e764efc2"

After you have registered a new address then LMTP maildrop server starts accepting mail for it and stores messages to the users mailbox.

Update address details

PUT /users/{user}/addresses/{address}

Updates the properties of an address. Currently, only main can be updated.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • address (required) is the ID of the address
  • main must be true. Indicates that this is the default address for that user


curl -XPUT "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/addresses/596c9dd31b201716e764efc2" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "main": true

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Delete an alias address

DELETE /users/{user}/addresses/{address}

Deletes an email address alias from an existing user.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • address (required) is the ID of the address


curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/addresses/596c9dd31b201716e764efc2"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true


Manage user mailboxes

List existing mailboxes

GET /user/{user}/mailboxes

Lists existing mailboxes for an user


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • counters is an optional GET argument to include counters (total messages, unseen messages) in listing results. Not recommended if you have a large list as checking every counter can be expensive operation.


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/mailboxes"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "results": [
      "id": "597089f1b3378cd394611284",
      "name": "INBOX",
      "path": "INBOX",
      "specialUse": null,
      "modifyIndex": 71,
      "subscribed": true
      "id": "597089f1b3378cd394611289",
      "name": "Archive",
      "path": "Archive",
      "specialUse": "\\Archive",
      "modifyIndex": 0,
      "subscribed": true
      "id": "597089f1b3378cd394611287",
      "name": "Drafts",
      "path": "Drafts",
      "specialUse": "\\Drafts",
      "modifyIndex": 0,
      "subscribed": true

List mailboxes with counters

curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/mailboxes?counters=true"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "mailboxes": [
      "id": "597089f1b3378cd394611284",
      "name": "INBOX",
      "path": "INBOX",
      "specialUse": null,
      "modifyIndex": 71,
      "subscribed": true,
      "total": 33,
      "unseen": 8
      "id": "597089f1b3378cd394611289",
      "name": "Archive",
      "path": "Archive",
      "specialUse": "\\Archive",
      "modifyIndex": 0,
      "subscribed": true,
      "total": 0,
      "unseen": 0
      "id": "597089f1b3378cd394611287",
      "name": "Drafts",
      "path": "Drafts",
      "specialUse": "\\Drafts",
      "modifyIndex": 0,
      "subscribed": true,
      "total": 0,
      "unseen": 0

Get one mailbox

GET /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox}

Returns data about a specific address.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • mailbox (required) is the ID of the mailbox


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/mailboxes/597089f1b3378cd394611284"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "id": "597089f1b3378cd394611284",
  "name": "INBOX",
  "path": "INBOX",
  "specialUse": null,
  "modifyIndex": 71,
  "subscribed": true,
  "total": 33,
  "unseen": 8

Add a new mailbox

POST /users/{user}/mailboxes

Creates a new mailbox for an existing user account, returns the ID upon success.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • path (required) is the mailbox path with slashes as folder separators. Parent folder does not have to exist. Using unicode characters is allowed.
  • retention optional retention time in milliseconds that applies to messages in that mailbox


curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/mailboxes" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "path": "My New mailbox"

or as a subfolder

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/mailboxes" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "path": "Some parent/Subfolder/My New mailbox"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "id": "596c9dd31b201716e764efc2"

Update mailbox details

PUT /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox}

Updates the properties of a mailbox.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • mailbox (required) is the ID of the mailbox
  • path is the optional new mailbox path if you want to rename the mailbox. INBOX can not be renamed.
  • retention is the optional new retention time. Changing retention time applies only to new messages. Existing messages expire once the original retention time is reached


curl -XPUT "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/mailboxes/596c9dd31b201716e764efc2" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "path": "New Mailbox Name"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Delete a mailbox

DELETE /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox}

Deletes a mailbox. Only user made mailboxes can be deleted. Special mailboxes (INBOX, Trash etc) can not be deleted.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • mailbox (required) is the ID of the mailbox


curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/mailboxes/596c9dd31b201716e764efc2"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true


Manage messages in a mailbox. While other data types usually have a 24 byte hex string ID value then message object have integers as IDs. These values map to IMAP UID values.

List existing messages

GET /user/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox}/messages

Lists existing messages in a mailbox


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • mailbox (required) is the ID of the mailbox
  • order optional message ordering, either "asc" or "desc". Defaults to "desc" (newer first)


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/mailboxes/596c9dd31b201716e764efc2/messages"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "total": 1,
  "page": 1,
  "previousCursor": false,
  "nextCursor": false,
  "specialUse": null,
  "results": [
      "id": 444,
      "mailbox": "59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6",
      "thread": "5971da7754cfdc7f0983bbde",
      "from": {
        "address": "sender@example.com",
        "name": "Sender Name"
      "subject": "Subject line",
      "date": "2011-11-02T19:19:08.000Z",
      "intro": "Beginning text in the message…",
      "attachments": false,
      "seen": true,
      "deleted": false,
      "flagged": false,
      "draft": false

Search for messages

Search user messages. This is a account wide search function that searches from every folder except Trash and Junk.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • mailbox (required) is the ID of the mailbox
  • query query string to search for


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/search?query=myname"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "query": "myname",
  "total": 1,
  "page": 1,
  "previousCursor": false,
  "nextCursor": false,
  "results": [
      "id": 444,
      "mailbox": "59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6",
      "thread": "5971da7754cfdc7f0983bbde",
      "from": {
        "address": "sender@example.com",
        "name": "Sender Name"
      "subject": "Subject line",
      "date": "2011-11-02T19:19:08.000Z",
      "intro": "Beginning text in the message…",
      "attachments": false,
      "seen": true,
      "deleted": false,
      "flagged": false,
      "draft": false

The search uses MongoDB fulltext index, see MongoDB docs for explanation how to use it.

Get message details

GET /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox}/messages/{message}

Returns data about a specific message.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • mailbox (required) is the ID of the mailbox
  • message (required) is the ID of the message


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/mailboxes/596c9dd31b201716e764efc2/messages/444"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "id": 444,
  "from": {
  "address": "sender@example.com",
      "name": "Sender Name"
  "to": [
      "address": "testuser@example.com",
      "name": "Test User"
  "subject": "Subject line",
  "messageId": "<FA472D2A-092E-44BC-9D38-AFACE48AB98E@example.com>",
  "date": "2011-11-02T19:19:08.000Z",
  "seen": true,
  "deleted": false,
  "flagged": false,
  "draft": false,
  "html": [
    "Notice that the HTML content is an array of HTML strings"
  "attachments": []

Get message events

GET /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox}/messages/{message}/events

Returns timeline information about a specific message.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • mailbox (required) is the ID of the mailbox
  • message (required) is the ID of the message


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59cb9b0f8d78173c5fc6871c/mailboxes/59cb9b0f8d78173c5fc6871d/messages/43/events"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "id": "59e9dfac7f60c84cb2c467c4",
  "events": [
      "id": "15f3991b258000f6e5.002",
      "action": "STORE",
      "source": "MX",
      "origin": "sender.com",
      "from": "andris12@example.com",
      "to": [
      "transtype": "ESMTPSA",
      "time": "2017-10-20T11:36:12.481Z"
      "id": "15f3991b9d7000fb8f",
      "action": "FORWARD",
      "from": "andris12@example.com",
      "to": [
      "time": "2017-10-20T11:36:12.523Z"
      "id": "15f3991b9d7000fb8f",
      "seq": "002",
      "action": "REJECTED",
      "src": "",
      "dst": "gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com",
      "response": "421-4.7.0 This message does not have authentication information or fails to pass authentication checks. To best protect our users from spam, the message has been blocked. Please visit https://",
      "from": "andris12@example.com",
      "to": [
      "time": "2017-10-20T11:36:18.446Z"
      "id": "15f3991b9d7000fb8f",
      "seq": "001",
      "action": "ACCEPTED",
      "src": "",
      "dst": "aspmx.l.google.com",
      "response": "250 2.0.0 OK 1508499378 v89si365958lje.238 - gsmtp",
      "from": "andris12@example.com",
      "to": [
      "time": "2017-10-20T11:36:18.934Z"

Update message details

PUT /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox}/messages/{message}

Updates the properties of a message or move the message to another mailbox. This call can be used to modify more than a single message at once (see the "messge" parameter description).


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • mailbox (required) is the ID of the mailbox
  • message (required) is the ID of the message (eg. "messages/444") or a comma separated list of IDs (eg. "messages/444,445,446") or a range of message IDs (eg. "messages/444:446")
  • moveTo is the ID of the destination mailbox if you want to move the message
  • seen is a boolean to mark message as seen or unseen
  • flagged is a boolean to mark message as flagged or not
  • draft is a boolean to mark message as a draft or not
  • deleted is a boolean to mark message as deleted or not. This value is used by IMAP clients to indicate that a message should be deleted in the future
  • expires is either a date/timestamp to autodelete the message at given time or false if you want to clear the expiration date. Message is not deleted exactly on the expire time, it is only marked to be deleted and it is removed after the garbage collector process steps in.


curl -XPUT "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/mailboxes/596c9dd31b201716e764efc2/messages/444" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "seen": true

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Delete a message

DELETE /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox}/messages/{message}

Deletes a message from mailbox. This deletes the message entirely, in most cases consider the message to the Trash folder instead.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • mailbox (required) is the ID of the mailbox
  • message (required) is the ID of the message


curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:8080/users/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec/mailboxes/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ed/messages/444"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Get message source

GET /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox}/messages/{message}/message.eml

Returns raw message source.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • mailbox (required) is the ID of the mailbox
  • message (required) is the ID of the message


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/mailboxes/596c9dd31b201716e764efc2/messages/444/message.eml"

Response for a successful operation:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Wild Duck API
Content-Type: message/rfc822
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 19:11:04 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Delivered-To: testuser@example.com
Received: .....
<rfc822 formatted message>

Get message attachment

GET /users/{user}/mailboxes/{mailbox}/messages/{message}/attachments/{attachment}

Returns data about a specific address.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • mailbox (required) is the ID of the mailbox
  • message (required) is the ID of the message
  • attachment (required) is the ID of the attachment


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/mailboxes/596c9dd31b201716e764efc2/messages/444/attachments/ATT00001"

Response for a successful operation:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Wild Duck API
Content-Type: image/png
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 18:39:05 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

<attachment contents>


Manage message filters. Filters are applied to incoming messages in LMTP and these can be used to move specific messages to specific mailboxes, mark messages as seen etc.

Create new filter

POST /users/{user}/filters

Creates a filter


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • filter (required) is the ID of the filter to update
  • name is the name of the filter
  • query_from is a string to match against the From: header
  • query_to is a string to match against the To:/Cs: headers
  • query_subject is a string to match against the Subject: header
  • query_text is a string to match against the message text
  • query_ha is a boolean that requires the message to have attachments (true) or not attachments (false)
  • query_size is a number that requires the RFC822 message size be larger than (positive integer) or smaller than (negative integer)
  • action_seen is a boolean that marks message as seen (true) or unseen (false)
  • action_flag is a boolean that marks message as flagged (true) or not (false)
  • action_delete is a boolean that makes the message to be deleted immediately (true). This action does not initiate a bounce, the message is dropeed silently
  • action_spam is a boolean that marks message as spam (true) or not spam (false). Spam messages are automatically moved to the Junk mailbox
  • action_mailbox is the mailbox ID the message should me moved to
  • action_forward is an email address the message should be forwarded to. You can also mix this action with delete.
  • action_targetUrl is a web URL the message should be uploaded to

If a key is not included or is empty in update payload then the key is not used for when filtering.


This example sets up a filter to search for "abc" in From: header, matching messages are flagged.

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/filters" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "query_from": "abc",
  "action_flag": true

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

List existing filters

GET /user/{user}/filters

Lists existing messages in a mailbox


  • user (required) is the ID of the user

The listing entries include query and action arrays. These are meant to be human readable descriptions divided into tuples. This would allow using translation on the left side elements (keys). In the end these values should be joined together into a description string.


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/filters"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "results": [
      "id": "59759c440e1d676f15e76b5f",
      "name": "Flag messages from abc",
      "query": [
      "action": [
          "flag it"
      "created": "2017-07-24T07:05:40.355Z"

Get filter details

GET /users/{user}/filters/{filter}

Returns data about a specific filter.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • filter (required) is the ID of the filter


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/filters/59759c440e1d676f15e76b5f"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "id": "59759c440e1d676f15e76b5f",
  "name": "Flag messages from abc",
  "created": "2017-07-24T07:05:40.355Z",
  "query_from": "abc",
  "action_flag": true

Update filter details

PUT /users/{user}/filters/{filter}

Updates the properties of a filter. To unset a specific key use an empty string as the value.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • filter (required) is the ID of the filter to update
  • name is the name of the filter
  • query_from is a string to match against the From: header
  • query_to is a string to match against the To:/Cs: headers
  • query_subject is a string to match against the Subject: header
  • query_text is a string to match against the message text
  • query_ha is a boolean that requires the message to have attachments (true) or not attachments (false)
  • query_size is a number that requires the RFC822 message size be larger than (positive integer) or smaller than (negative integer)
  • action_seen is a boolean that marks message as seen (true) or unseen (false)
  • action_flag is a boolean that marks message as flagged (true) or not (false)
  • action_delete is a boolean that makes the message to be deleted immediately (true). This action does not initiate a bounce, the message is dropeed silently
  • action_spam is a boolean that marks message as spam (true) or not spam (false). Spam messages are automatically moved to the Junk mailbox
  • action_mailbox is the mailbox ID the message should me moved to
  • action_forward is an email address the message should be forwarded to. You can also mix this action with delete.
  • action_targetUrl is a web URL the message should be uploaded to

If a key is not included in update payload then the value is left as is. Empty value clears the key if it is set.


This example clears query_from, requires messages to have attachments and marks these as spam

curl -XPUT "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/filters/59759c440e1d676f15e76b5f" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "query_from": "",
  "query_ha": true,
  "action_spam": true

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Delete a filter

DELETE /users/{user}/filters/{filter}

Deletes a message filter.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • filter (required) is the ID of the filter


curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/filters/59759c440e1d676f15e76b5f"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true


Wild Duck supports setting up autoreply messages that are sent to senders by LMTP process.

Setup Autoreply

PUT /users/{user}/autoreply

This call sets up or updates autoreply message for the user.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user
  • status is a boolean that indicates if autoreply messages should be sent (true) or not (false)
  • subject is the subject line of autoreply message
  • text is text body of the autoreply message
  • html is html body of the autoreply message
  • start is the start time of the autoreply
  • end is the end time of the autoreply

Response fields

  • success should be true

Autoreply update calls can be done partially, eg. only updating status or subject.


curl -XPUT "http://localhost:8080/users/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec/autoreply" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
  "status": true,
  "subject": "Out of office",
  "text": "I'm out of office this week",
  "start": "2017-11-15T00:00:00.000Z",
  "end": "2017-11-19T00:00:00.000Z",

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Disable Autoreply

DELETE /users/{user}/autoreply

You can disable autoreplies either by updating it with status:false or deleting it.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user

Response fields

  • success should be true


curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:8080/users/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec/autoreply"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true

Check Autoreply status

GET /users/{user}/autoreply

Return current autoreply status


  • user (required) is the ID of the user

Response fields

  • success should be true
  • status is a boolean that indicates if autoreply messages should be sent (true) or not (false)
  • subject is the subject line of autoreply message
  • message is text body of the autoreply message


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/5971da1754cfdc7f0983b2ec/autoreply"

Response for a successful operation:

  "success": true,
  "status": true,
  "subject": "Out of office",
  "message": "I'm out of office this week"


Recalculate user quota

POST /users/{user}/quota/reset

Recalculates used storage for an user. Use this when it seems that quota counters for an user do not match with reality.


  • user (required) is the ID of the user


curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/quota/reset" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{}'

Response for a successful operation:

  "storageUsed": 128

Be aware though that this method is not atomic and should be done only if quota counters are way off.


Get user related events as an Event Source stream

Stream update events

GET /users/{user}/updates

Streams changes in user account as EventSource stream


  • user (required) is the ID of the user


curl "http://localhost:8080/users/59467f27535f8f0f067ba8e6/updates"

Response stream:

data: {"command":"EXISTS", "message":"596e0703f0bdd512aeac3600", "mailbox":"596c9c37ef2213165daadc65",...}
id: 596e0703f0bdd512aeac3605

data: {"command":"CREATE","mailbox":"596e09853f845a14f3620b5c","name":"My Mail",...}
id: 596e09853f845a14f3620b5d

First entry in the event stream indicates that a message with id 596e0703f0bdd512aeac3600 was added to mailbox 596c9c37ef2213165daadc65, second entry indicates that a new mailbox called "My Mail" with id 596e09853f845a14f3620b5c was created.

Be aware though that this connection needs to be properly closed if you do not want to end up with memory leaks.

You can see a demo of catching user events when navigating to http://localhost:8080/public/ (assuming localhost:8080 is your API host).

Demo video for HTTP push

Stream Push Demo