84 Setup guide
Luka Murn edited this page 2019-07-01 15:02:44 +02:00

Technical overview

To view the technical overview of SciNote, its architectural components, and everything related to containerization, visit Technical overview section.

Build & run (development mode)

For instructions on how to build & run SciNote - including minimal quick-start setup - visit Build & run section.

Environmental variables

SciNote is configured using environmental variables. To see list of available variables, and a minimal application.yml file, visit Environmental variables section.

Production mode

To host SciNote on a server, and run it in production mode (in Docker containers), visit the Production mode section.

Rake tasks

SciNote server uses rake/rails tasks for various operations. For details regarding rake/rails tasks, when to run them and how to set them up, visit the Rake tasks section.


SciNote needs a configured SMTP mail server to work properly. See environmental variables for configuration of the mailer.

Office Online integration

SciNote can be integrated with an Office Online Server to enable viewing and edition of documents directly in the browser. To enable this integration using the Microsoft Office Online servers, you will need to join the Office Cloud Storage Partner Program and set up the WOPI_* environment variables.


It's fairly simple to deploy SciNote onto Heroku. See the Heroku section for details.


There is an automated test suite available for SciNote. See Testing section for details.