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All work on SimpleLogin happens directly on GitHub.

Run code locally

The project uses

  • Python 3.7+ and poetry to manage dependencies
  • Node v10 for front-end.

First, install all dependencies by running the following command. Feel free to use virtualenv or similar tools to isolate development environment.

poetry install

On Mac, sometimes you might need to install some other packages like

brew install pkg-config libffi openssl postgresql

You also need to install gpg, on Mac it can be done with:

brew install gnupg

Then make sure all tests pass


Install npm packages

cd static && npm install

To run the code locally, please create a local setting file based on example.env:

cp example.env .env

Make sure to uncomment the RESET_DB=true to create the database locally.

Feel free to custom your .env file, it would be your default setting when developing locally. This file is ignored by git.

You don't need all the parameters, for example, if you don't update images to s3, then BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID can be empty or if you don't use login with Github locally, GITHUB_CLIENT_ID doesn't have to be filled. The example.env file contains minimal requirement so that if you run:


then open http://localhost:7777, you should be able to login with the following account / password

Database migration

The database migration is handled by alembic

Whenever the model changes, a new migration has to be created.

If you have Docker installed, you can create the migration by the following script:


Make sure to review the migration script before committing it. Sometimes (very rarely though), the automatically generated script can be incorrect.

We cannot use the local database to generate migration script as the local database doesn't use migration. It is created via db.create_all() (cf fake_data() method). This is convenient for development and unit tests as we don't have to wait for the migration.

Code structure

The repo consists of the three following entry points:

  • and the webapp.
  • the email handler.
  • the cronjob.

Here are the small sum-ups of the directory structures and their roles:

  • app/: main Flask app. It is structured into different packages representing different features like oauth, api, dashboard, etc.
  • local_data/: contains files to facilitate the local development. They are replaced during the deployment.
  • migrations/: generated by flask-migrate. Edit these files will be only edited when you spot (very rare) errors on the database migration files.
  • static/: files available at /static url.
  • templates/: contains both html and email templates.
  • tests/: tests. We don't really distinguish unit, functional or integration test. A test is simply here to make sure a feature works correctly.

The code is formatted using, to format the code, simply run

black .

Test sending email

swaks is used for sending test emails to the email_handler.

mailcatcher is used to receive forwarded emails.

There are several steps to set up the email handler

  1. run mailcatcher
  1. Make sure to set the following variables in the .env file
  1. Run email_handler
  1. Send a test email
swaks --to e1@d1.localhost --from --server

Now open http://localhost:1080/, you should see the test email.