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A lightweight javascript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
# [Documentation](http://momentjs.com/docs/)
Upgrading to 2.0.0
There are a number of small backwards incompatible changes with version 2.0.0.
[See them and their descriptions here](https://gist.github.com/timrwood/e72f2eef320ed9e37c51#backwards-incompatible-changes)
Changed language ordinal method to return the number + ordinal instead of just the ordinal.
Changed two digit year parsing cutoff to match strptime.
Removed `moment#sod` and `moment#eod` in favor of `moment#startOf` and `moment#endOf`.
Removed `moment.humanizeDuration()` in favor of `moment.duration().humanize()`.
Removed the lang data objects from the top level namespace.
Duplicate `Date` passed to `moment()` instead of referencing it.
Travis Build Status
Develop [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/moment/moment.png?branch=develop)](https://travis-ci.org/moment/moment)
Master [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/moment/moment.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/moment/moment)
### 2.3.1
Removed a trailing comma [1169] and fixed a bug with `months`, `weekdays` getters [1171].
### 2.3.0 [See changelog](https://gist.github.com/ichernev/6864354)
Changed isValid, added strict parsing.
Week tokens parsing.
### 2.2.1
Fixed bug in string prototype test.
Updated authors and contributors.
### 2.2.0 [See changelog](https://gist.github.com/ichernev/00f837a9baf46a3565e4)
Added bower support.
Language files now use UMD.
Creating moment defaults to current date/month/year.
Added a bundle of moment and all language files.
### 2.1.0 [See changelog](https://gist.github.com/timrwood/b8c2d90d528eddb53ab5)
Added better week support.
Added ability to set offset with `moment#zone`.
Added ability to set month or weekday from a string.
Added `moment#min` and `moment#max`
### 2.0.0 [See changelog](https://gist.github.com/timrwood/e72f2eef320ed9e37c51)
Added short form localized tokens.
Added ability to define language a string should be parsed in.
Added support for reversed add/subtract arguments.
Added support for `endOf('week')` and `startOf('week')`.
Fixed the logic for `moment#diff(Moment, 'months')` and `moment#diff(Moment, 'years')`
`moment#diff` now floors instead of rounds.
Normalized `moment#toString`.
Added `isSame`, `isAfter`, and `isBefore` methods.
Added better week support.
Added `moment#toJSON`
Bugfix: Fixed parsing of first century dates
Bugfix: Parsing 10Sep2001 should work as expected
Bugfix: Fixed wierdness with `moment.utc()` parsing.
Changed language ordinal method to return the number + ordinal instead of just the ordinal.
Changed two digit year parsing cutoff to match strptime.
Removed `moment#sod` and `moment#eod` in favor of `moment#startOf` and `moment#endOf`.
Removed `moment.humanizeDuration()` in favor of `moment.duration().humanize()`.
Removed the lang data objects from the top level namespace.
Duplicate `Date` passed to `moment()` instead of referencing it.
### 1.7.2 [See discussion](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/issues/456)
### 1.7.1 [See discussion](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/issues/384)
### 1.7.0 [See discussion](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/issues/288)
Added `moment.fn.endOf()` and `moment.fn.startOf()`.
Added validation via `moment.fn.isValid()`.
Made formatting method 3x faster. http://jsperf.com/momentjs-cached-format-functions
Add support for month/weekday callbacks in `moment.fn.format()`
Added instance specific languages.
Added two letter weekday abbreviations with the formatting token `dd`.
Various language updates.
Various bugfixes.
### 1.6.0 [See discussion](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/pull/268)
Added Durations.
Revamped parser to support parsing non-separated strings (YYYYMMDD vs YYYY-MM-DD).
Added support for millisecond parsing and formatting tokens (S SS SSS)
Added a getter for `moment.lang()`
Various bugfixes.
There are a few things deprecated in the 1.6.0 release.
1. The format tokens `z` and `zz` (timezone abbreviations like EST CST MST etc) will no longer be supported. Due to inconsistent browser support, we are unable to consistently produce this value. See [this issue](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/issues/162) for more background.
2. The method `moment.fn.native` is deprecated in favor of `moment.fn.toDate`. There continue to be issues with Google Closure Compiler throwing errors when using `native`, even in valid instances.
3. The way to customize am/pm strings is being changed. This would only affect you if you created a custom language file. For more information, see [this issue](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/pull/222).
### 1.5.0 [See milestone](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/issues?milestone=10&page=1&state=closed)
Added UTC mode.
Added automatic ISO8601 parsing.
Various bugfixes.
### 1.4.0 [See milestone](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/issues?milestone=8&state=closed)
Added `moment.fn.toDate` as a replacement for `moment.fn.native`.
Added `moment.fn.sod` and `moment.fn.eod` to get the start and end of day.
Various bugfixes.
### 1.3.0 [See milestone](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/issues?milestone=7&state=closed)
Added support for parsing month names in the current language.
Added escape blocks for parsing tokens.
Added `moment.fn.calendar` to format strings like 'Today 2:30 PM', 'Tomorrow 1:25 AM', and 'Last Sunday 4:30 AM'.
Added `moment.fn.day` as a setter.
Various bugfixes
### 1.2.0 [See milestone](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/issues?milestone=4&state=closed)
Added timezones to parser and formatter.
Added `moment.fn.isDST`.
Added `moment.fn.zone` to get the timezone offset in minutes.
### 1.1.2 [See milestone](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/issues?milestone=6&state=closed)
Various bugfixes
### 1.1.1 [See milestone](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/issues?milestone=5&state=closed)
Added time specific diffs (months, days, hours, etc)
### 1.1.0
Added `moment.fn.format` localized masks. 'L LL LLL LLLL' [issue 29](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/pull/29)
Fixed [issue 31](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/pull/31).
### 1.0.1
Added `moment.version` to get the current version.
Removed `window !== undefined` when checking if module exists to support browserify. [issue 25](https://github.com/timrwood/moment/pull/25)
### 1.0.0
Added convenience methods for getting and setting date parts.
Added better support for `moment.add()`.
Added better lang support in NodeJS.
Renamed library from underscore.date to Moment.js
### 0.6.1
Added Portuguese, Italian, and French language support
### 0.6.0
Added _date.lang() support.
Added support for passing multiple formats to try to parse a date. _date("07-10-1986", ["MM-DD-YYYY", "YYYY-MM-DD"]);
Made parse from string and single format 25% faster.
### 0.5.2
Bugfix for [issue 8](https://github.com/timrwood/underscore.date/pull/8) and [issue 9](https://github.com/timrwood/underscore.date/pull/9).
### 0.5.1
Bugfix for [issue 5](https://github.com/timrwood/underscore.date/pull/5).
### 0.5.0
Dropped the redundant `_date.date()` in favor of `_date()`.
Removed `_date.now()`, as it is a duplicate of `_date()` with no parameters.
Removed `_date.isLeapYear(yearNumber)`. Use `_date([yearNumber]).isLeapYear()` instead.
Exposed customization options through the `_date.relativeTime`, `_date.weekdays`, `_date.weekdaysShort`, `_date.months`, `_date.monthsShort`, and `_date.ordinal` variables instead of the `_date.customize()` function.
### 0.4.1
Added date input formats for input strings.
### 0.4.0
Added underscore.date to npm. Removed dependencies on underscore.
### 0.3.2
Added `'z'` and `'zz'` to `_.date().format()`. Cleaned up some redundant code to trim off some bytes.
### 0.3.1
Cleaned up the namespace. Moved all date manipulation and display functions to the _.date() object.
### 0.3.0
Switched to the Underscore methodology of not mucking with the native objects' prototypes.
Made chaining possible.
### 0.2.1
Changed date names to be a more pseudo standardized 'dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a'.
Added `Date.prototype` functions `add`, `subtract`, `isdst`, and `isleapyear`.
### 0.2.0
Changed function names to be more concise.
Changed date format from php date format to custom format.
### 0.1.0
Initial release
Moment.js is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.