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synced 2025-03-03 10:13:37 +08:00
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/the-djmaze/snappymail">
<img src="https://snappymail.eu/static/img/logo-256x256-white.png">
Simple, modern, lightweight & fast web-based email client.
The drastically upgraded & secured fork of <a href="https://github.com/RainLoop/rainloop-webmail">RainLoop Webmail Community edition</a>.
We thank the RainLoop Team for making a great PHP 5 product that was good in the past.
Up to date system requirements, snappy performance, simple installation and upgrade, no database required
- all these make SnappyMail a good choice.
For more information about the product, check [snappymail.eu](https://snappymail.eu/).
Information about installing the product, check the [wiki page](https://github.com/the-djmaze/snappymail/wiki/Installation-instructions).
And don't forget to read the [RainLoop documentation](https://www.rainloop.net/docs/).
## License
**SnappyMail** is released under
Copyright (c) 2020 - 2021 SnappyMail
Copyright (c) 2013 - 2021 RainLoop
## Modifications
This fork of RainLoop has the following changes:
* Privacy/GDPR friendly (no: Social, Gravatar, Facebook, Google, Twitter, DropBox, OwnCloud, X-Mailer)
* Admin uses password_hash/password_verify
* Auth failed attempts written to syslog
* Added Fail2ban instructions
* ES2015
* PHP 7.3+ required
* PHP mbstring extension required
* PHP replaced pclZip with PharData and ZipArchive
* PHP yaml extension else use the old Spyc
* Added option to remove background/font colors from messages for real "dark mode"
* Removed BackwardCapability (class \RainLoop\Account)
* Removed ChangePassword (re-implemented as plugin)
* Removed OAuth support
* Removed POP3 support
* Removed background video support
* Removed Sentry (Application Monitoring and Error Tracking Software)
* Replaced gulp-uglify with gulp-terser
* CRLF => LF line endings
* Embed boot.js and boot.css into index.html
* Ongoing removal of old JavaScript code (things are native these days)
* Added modified [Squire](https://github.com/neilj/Squire) HTML editor as replacement for CKEditor
* Split Admin specific JavaScript code from User code
* JSON reviver
* Better memory garbage collection management
* Added serviceworker for Notifications
* Added advanced Sieve scripts editor
* Slimmed down language files
* Replaced webpack with rollup
* No user-agent detection (use device width)
* Added support to load plugins as .phar
* Replaced old Sabre library
* AddressBook Contacts support MySQL/MariaDB utf8mb4
* Prevent Google FLoC
* Added [Fetch Metadata Request Headers](https://www.w3.org/TR/fetch-metadata/) checks
* Reduced excessive DOM size
### Supported browsers
This fork uses downsized/simplified versions of scripts and has no support for Internet Explorer nor Edge Legacy.
Supported are:
* Chrome 69+
* Edge 79+
* Firefox 69+
* Opera 56+
* Safari 12+
### Removal of old JavaScript
The result is faster and smaller download code (good for mobile networks).
* Added dev/prototype.js for some additional features
* boot.js without webpack overhead
* Modified Jua.js to be without jQuery
* Replaced ProgressJS with simple native dropin
* Replaced Autolinker with simple https/email detection
* Replaced ifvisible.js with simple drop-in replacement
* Replaced momentToNode with proper HTML5 <time>
* Replaced resize listeners with ResizeObserver
* Replaced bootstrap.js with native drop-in replacement
* Replaced dev/Common/ClientStorageDriver/* with Web Storage Objects polyfill
* Replaced *Ajax with *Fetch classes because we use the Fetch API, not jQuery.ajax
* Replaced [knockoutjs](https://github.com/knockout/knockout) 3.4 with a modified 3.5.1
* Replaced knockout-sortable with native HTML5 drag&drop
* Replaced simplestatemanager with CSS @media
* Replaced inputosaurus with own code
* Replaced keymaster with own shortcuts handler
* Removed pikaday
* Removed underscore
* Removed polyfills
* Removed Modernizr
* Removed nanoscroll
* Removed lightgallery
* Removed jQuery
* Removed jquery-ui
* Removed jquery-scrollstop
* Removed jquery-mousewheel
* Removed matchmedia-polyfill
* Removed momentjs (use Intl)
* Removed opentip (use CSS)
* Removed non-community (aka Prem/Premium/License) code
RainLoop 1.15 vs SnappyMail
|js/* |RainLoop |Snappy |
|--------------- |--------: |--------: |
|admin.js |2.158.025 | 86.179 |
|app.js |4.215.733 | 435.073 |
|boot.js | 672.433 | 2.707 |
|libs.js | 647.679 | 211.161 |
|polyfills.js | 325.908 | 0 |
|serviceworker.js | 0 | 285 |
|TOTAL |8.019.778 | 735.405 |
|js/min/* |RainLoop |Snappy |RL gzip |SM gzip |RL brotli |SM brotli |
|--------------- |--------: |--------: |------: |------: |--------: |--------: |
|admin.min.js | 255.514 | 43.957 | 73.899 | 13.590 | 60.674 | 12.174 |
|app.min.js | 516.000 | 222.447 |140.430 | 66.271 |110.657 | 56.274 |
|boot.min.js | 66.456 | 1.621 | 22.553 | 983 | 20.043 | 805 |
|libs.min.js | 574.626 | 101.006 |177.280 | 36.780 |151.855 | 32.955 |
|polyfills.min.js | 32.608 | 0 | 11.315 | 0 | 10.072 | 0 |
|TOTAL |1.445.204 | 369.031 |425.477 |117.624 |353.301 |102.208 |
|TOTAL (no admin) |1.189.690 | 325.074 |351.061 |104.034 |292.627 | 90.034 |
For a user its around 68% smaller and faster than traditional RainLoop.
|OpenPGP |RainLoop |Snappy |RL gzip |SM gzip |RL brotli |SM brotli |
|--------------- |--------: |--------: |------: |------: |--------: |--------: |
|openpgp.min.js | 330.742 | 293.972 |102.388 | 93.030 | 84.241 | 77.142 |
|openpgp.worker | 1.499 | 1.125 | 824 | 567 | 695 | 467 |
### CSS changes
* Solve jQuery removed "features" with native css code
* Themes work in mobile mode
* Bugfix invalid/conflicting css rules
* Use flexbox
* Split app.css to have separate admin.css
* Remove oldschool 'float'
* Remove unused css
* Removed html.no-css
* Removed dev/Styles/Cmd.less
* Removed dev/Styles/Scroll.less
* Removed Internet Explorer from normalize.css
* Removed node_modules/opentip/css/opentip.css
* Removed node_modules/pikaday/css/pikaday.css
* Removed vendors/bootstrap/less/breadcrumbs.less
* Removed vendors/bootstrap/less/navbar.less
* Removed vendors/bootstrap/less/popovers.less
* Removed vendors/bootstrap/less/progress-bars.less
* Removed vendors/bootstrap/less/scaffolding.less
* Removed vendors/bootstrap/less/sprites.less
* Removed vendors/bootstrap/less/tooltip.less
* Removed vendors/jquery-nanoscroller/nanoscroller.css
* Removed vendors/jquery-letterfx/jquery-letterfx.min.css
* Removed vendors/Progress.js/minified/progressjs.min.css
* Removed gulp-autoprefixer
|css/* |RainLoop |Snappy |RL gzip |SM gzip |SM brotli |
|------------ |-------: |------: |------: |------: |--------: |
|app.css | 340.334 | 92.117 | 46.959 | 17.079 | 14.790 |
|app.min.css | 274.791 | 74.827 | 39.618 | 15.259 | 13.473 |
|boot.css | | 1.326 | | 664 | 545 |
|boot.min.css | | 1.071 | | 590 | 474 |
|admin.css | | 39.492 | | 8.354 | 7.308 |
|admin.min.css | | 31.114 | | 7.324 | 6.506 |
### Squire vs CKEditor
The [Squire](https://github.com/neilj/Squire) implementation is not 100% compatible yet, but it shows the massive overhead of CKEditor.
Still TODO:
* support for tables (really needed?!?)
* support BIDI (really needed?!?)
| | normal | min | gzip | min gzip |
|-------- |-------: |-------: |------: |--------: |
|squire | 122.321 | 41.906 | 31.867 | 14.330 |
|ckeditor | ? | 520.035 | ? | 155.916 |
CKEditor including the 7 asset requests (css,language,plugins,icons) is 633.46 KB / 180.47 KB (gzip).
To use the old CKEditor, you must install the plugin.