djmaze ea48f5060b isArray to native Array.isArray
isUnd(*) to native undefined === *
isFunc to native typeof * === 'function'
isObject to native typeof * === 'object'
microtime() to native Date().getTime();
noop to native ()=>{}
noopFalse to native ()=>false
noopTrue to native ()=>true
boolToAjax to native *?'1':'0'
Underscore.js to native
2020-07-29 21:49:41 +02:00

3 KiB

RainLoop Webmail

Simple, modern & fast web-based email client.

Modest system requirements, decent performance, simple installation and upgrade, no database required - all these make RainLoop Webmail a perfect choice for your email solution.

For more information about the product, check

Information about installing the product, check the documentation page.


RainLoop Webmail (Community edition) is released under GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (AGPL).

Copyright (c) 2019 Rainloop Team


This fork has the following changes:

  • Privacy/GDPR friendly (no: Social, Gravatar, Facebook, Google, Twitter, DropBox, OwnCloud, X-Mailer)
  • Admin uses password_hash/password_verify
  • Auth failed attempts written to syslog
  • Added Fail2ban instructions
  • ES2015 (removed polyfills and Modernizr)
  • PHP 7.3+ required
  • PHP mbstring extension required
  • PHP replaced pclZip with ZipArchive
  • PHP yaml extension else use the old Spyc
  • Removed BackwardCapability (class \RainLoop\Account)
  • Removed ChangePassword (plugins won't work)
  • Removed JS nanoscroll, jquery-scrollstop, jquery-mousewheel, matchmedia-polyfill
  • Removed OAuth support
  • Removed POP3 support
  • Removed background video support
  • Removed Sentry (Application Monitoring and Error Tracking Software)
  • Replaced gulp-uglify with gulp-terser
  • CRLF => LF line endings
  • Converted underscore.js to native code
  • Ongoing removal of old JavaScript code (things are native these days)

Removal of old JavaScript

This fork uses jQuery.slim, downsized/simplified versions of scripts and has no support for Internet Explorer.

The result is faster and smaller download code (good for mobile networks).

Things might work in Edge 15-18, Firefox 47-62 and Chrome 54-68 due to one polyfill for array.flat().

js/* 1.14.0 native
admin.js 2.130.942 1.329.869
app.js 4.184.455 3.092.391
boot.js 671.522 108.460
libs.js 647.614 507.015
polyfills.js 325.834 0
TOTAL js 7.960.367 5.037.853
js/min/* 1.14.0 native
admin.min.js 252.147 173.226
app.min.js 511.202 405.035
boot.min.js 66.007 13.240
libs.min.js 572.545 464.161
polyfills.min.js 32.452 0
TOTAL js/min 1.434.353 1.055.662

378.691 bytes is not much, but it feels faster.

PHP73 branch

There's a branch with only the PHP 7.3 changes at