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Python Flask Web Interface for proxmark3 RDV4 hardware.
Installation Instructions
These instructions assume you have Raspbian on your Pi already setup, and ready to go. [Raspbian Install] (https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/) Once you have the card writen, you should enable SSH, per the instructons on [here] (https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-enable-ssh-on-raspberry-pi/)
SSH into your pi, and follow along with this...
Quick Install
sudo apt -y install git
git clone https://github.com/videoman/proxmark3-web.git
cd proxmark3-web
Manual Install
Proxymark3-rdv4 client
Download and install the proxmark3 client from the RFID Research Group
Further (and maybe more complete/updated) instructions for your OS cane be found here
update your apt cache for Raspbian
sudo apt-get update
Install the requirements
Note: this also will install python-flask, and does not include the qt5 GUI for proxmark. It's not needed.
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends git ca-certificates build-essential pkg-config \
libreadline-dev gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-dev python-flask
Proxmark3-rdv4 code
Grab the code repo for proxmark3-rdv4
git clone https://github.com/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3.git
Access right for the serial port
The 'pi' user should already be part of the 'dialout' groups. You can run the command groups
to check if the user is in the dialout group first. If they are not, then you can run the following command from the proxmark3 directory.
make accessrights
Compile proxmark3
The main install instructions can be found in the git repo here Provided here for ease of use.
First things first- pull down the latest commits- and then compile as follows:
cd proxmark3
git pull
make clean && make all
sudo make install
Next test that you can access the proxmark3, and that you have access to the hardware via the serial port.
proxmark3 /dev/ttyACM0
Run a few tests to see if you can access the proxmark4-rdv4 eg: lf search
or hf search
Install proxmark-web
cd proxmark3-web
This will setup systemd to start the Flask Web interface on boot for you.
Python Flask Web Front End for Proxmark3 RDV unit.
To install the modules for this program, you shuld be able to do: pip3 install flask
Then run the web app: export FLASK_APP=proxmark-web.py export FLASK_ENV=development flask run