23 Document
zadam edited this page 2022-08-14 15:10:08 +02:00

Document is SQLite database which contains all notes, tree structure, metadata and most of the configuration.


Document is stored in the data directory.

Demo document

When you run Trilium for the first time, it will generate a demo document for you as a starting point. It's also pretty useful for demonstration of some of Trilium's features, e.g.:

Restoring demo document

In some cases you might want to take a look at the demo document after you deleted it. Or you might want to see if there was something added (sometimes we add a new feature demonstration into demo document). In such case you can just download .zip archive of the latest document and import it somewhere into the tree (right-click on a note where you want to import the demo document and choose "Import").

Manually modifying the document

Trilium provides a lot of flexibility, but with that you can also potentially shoot yourself in the foot (e.g. with startup script which blanks the app view).

In such cases you can manually fix notes on the database layer - you can use e.g. https://sqlitebrowser.org/ to open document.db file, find problematic notes and manually fix them. Don't forget to commit / write changes after you're done.

How to reset the document

If you previously just experimented with Trilium and want to get it to the initial state, you can do that by deleting the document.db* files, e.g. like this:

rm document.db*

If you don't need to preserve e.g. the config.ini, then you can also delete the whole data directory like this:

rm -r ./trilium-data

After starting next time, Trilium will create a new initial document.