5 Weight tracker
zadam edited this page 2023-03-17 22:27:24 +01:00

Weight Tracker is a Script API showcase present in the demo document.

Day notes shows (among others) how we have "weight" promoted attribute in the day note template. This then aggregates the data and shows a nice chart of weight change in time.



How to remove Weight Tracker button from the top bar

In the link map of Weight Tracker, there is a note "Button". Open it and delete or comment out its contents. Weight Tracker button will disappear after you close and open the app.


Note "Weight Tracker" in the screenshot above is of type "Render HTML note". Such note doesn't have any useful content itself, the only purpose of it is to provide a place where some script can render some output. This script is defined in relation renderNote - coincidentally it's the Weight Tracker's child Implementation.

This Implementation code note then contains some HTML and JavaScript which loads all the notes with "weight" attribute and displays them in a chart. To actually render chart we're using third party library chart.js which is imported as an attachment (it's not built-in into Trilium).

JS code

To get an idea of the script, here's the "JS code" note content:

async function getChartData() {
    const days = await api.runOnBackend(async () => {
        const notes = api.getNotesWithLabel('weight');
        const days = [];

        for (const note of notes) {
            const date = note.getLabelValue('dateNote');
            const weight = parseFloat(note.getLabelValue('weight'));

            if (date && weight) {
                days.push({ date, weight });

        days.sort((a, b) => a.date > b.date ? 1 : -1);

        return days;

    const datasets = [
            label: "Weight (kg)",
            backgroundColor: 'red',
            borderColor: 'red',
            data: days.map(day => day.weight),
            fill: false,
            spanGaps: true,
            datalabels: {
                display: false

    return {
        datasets: datasets,
        labels: days.map(day => day.date)

const ctx = $("#canvas")[0].getContext("2d");

new chartjs.Chart(ctx, {
    type: 'line',
    data: await getChartData()